Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More birthday pictures!

Here are a few more pictures of the birthday party and birthday weekend!

Here is Chloe's cake and cupcakes... All the grandkids got to help Nana bake the cake! I guess it was lots of fun! She is pretty brave! :)

Another picture of Chloe enjoying her cupcake! She ate the frosting first and then the cake part... and she stayed pretty clean!

Ha Ha!!! This picture makes me laugh a lot!!! Uncle Matt decided that he wanted to put on all of Chris' "battle rattle" one night! It was so funny to see Chris get him all dressed up! Uncle Matt thought he was pretty cool!

At the start of the birthday party! I think it is so cute that they are holding hands! Ireland is wearing a dress that Gramma King made her... I think she looks adorable in it! And Chloe has her special birthday dress on that Great Gran picked out for her!

Chloe giving Gran love and kisses!

Ireland and her Gran! They sure do love eachother!

Camdyn and Nana while Chloe was opening all her presents! I thought Camdyn would want to help Chloe open some of them but she was so happy to be sitting on Nana's lap! She stayed there the whole time! :)

I just think Camdyn's camera smile is classic! She is such a little ham... every time you get the camera pointed at her and tell her to smile, she gets a big grin on her face and says, "SMILE!!!!" I love it!

Camdyn enjoying her cupcake... she ate her cupcake the same way Chloe ate hers!

Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I know there are a lot of them! But what can I say? We had a good time!!

Please keep Chris in your prayers... we are getting awfully close to the dreaded day... and it is starting to get harder and harder to deal with as each day passes. It was really hard for him to say good-bye to my dad and Matt this last visit... so I can only imagine how much harder things are going to get! So please just keep him in your minds and heart and prayers! He will need them all! My heart just breaks for him! Thinking of being away from the girls for a whole year.... I can't even imagine it!


The Oakes said...

im do glad we get to see more pictures! Chloe looks sooo tall in the one of the girls holding hands. is she tall for her age?

i think of you and chris all of the time. i can't imagine it. i whine when trevor is gone for a week. we will continue to pray.

maren said...

super cute pictures of the girls! looks like you guys had a blast!!! :o)

as always... all 4 of your are in our prayers...

we love you!

coriecole said...

what good pics!!

The Malloy Family said...

Happy Birthday Chloe! What a fun party she had...and all those presents!!!

You guys are in our prayers!

Grandma said...

We are praying for all of you. I have pictures of you up in our church to remind everyone that soldiers have families and they all suffer when they are gone. I hope to see you this summer. We miss you so much.
We love you

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