Sorry I have been MIA for awhile... We have just been busy and enjoying life since we have been back home and back to normal life! We haven't really been busy doing stuff... just hanging out and having a good time!
Maren has started back at work so we get to watch EmJ on Mondays. Today was the first day so I decided to let the girls finger paint! It was loads of fun and not too hard to clean up (much to my surpirse)! So here are some pictures from our finger painting time...
Chloe got right into it! The other 2 girls took awhile to get use to the feeling of the paint. But Chloe had no problem getting dirty right away!
This is how Chloe ended the painting experience! Ha... she LoVeD it!
And this is EmJ at the very end. She was the last one up from the table and she had a blast!
This is Ireland at the end. She said she had monster hands.
I had to put up one more of Chloe. I know she doesn't look any more messy than the other girls, but the funny thing is that Chloe was this messy about 2 minutes into the painting... Ireland and EmJ took almost 15 minutes to get this messy.
So all in all the painting was fun! The girls loved it and that is all that matters. :)
Just a cute picture of Chloe with Ireland's sunglasses on... she loves Ireland's glasses. Chloe has her own but she never wears them. She is so weird...
Chloe playing at Maren's house. She likes this hat a lot. Pretty cool lookin' I think. She is a little cowgirl at heart!
Ireland started gymnastics last Tuesday... she adores it! She didn't want to leave at the end of class! Before the class we went to Target to buy her some gymnastic clothes... I let her pick them out and she picked the American ones... she wanted to be like the girls she saw on tv doing "runs and flips for America" (the olympics).
She loves her gymnastics clothes almost as much as she loves gymnastics!
I will try to keep you posted on her progress in class!
Well, I hope you enjoyed the blog. I hope the next one be too far away! Love you all! :)
love the pics! i haven't been brave enough to do the finger painting thing.
Love the fingerpainting. Kids have to get messy sometimes....Next it will be peanut butter playdough. I wondered if Ireland was watching the Olympics. Maybe someday we'll be watching her....
thanks for fingerpainting with my kid - or at leats letting her do it at your house. :o) she loved it! cause duh, she loves YOU!!!!!! and also - ireland is the most patriotic kid - no, maybe PERSON - ever! she rocks my face off!!!!!
Avril saw the pictures of the gymnastics clothes and want to have a sleep over at her house.
Love the blog. The cowgirl is to cute. I love Irelands gymnastics out fit. They both are beautiful girls.
Too fun. Too bad I missed the finger painting. Chloe is one of a kind, for sure!!!
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