Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ireland's new hair!

So here is Ireland's new do.... I am kind of sad about it really! It isn't a bad haircut and it looks pretty cute... but I think I am still in shock about the whole thing... I just got done sweeping up all her pretty blonde hair off the floor... I kind of want to cry a little. S let me know what you think of it! Sorry, Daddy! I tried to keep it as long as possible!


Katie R said...

I really like it!!! I can't believe how grown up she looks. I love you and miss you tons!!

Gran said...

I love it. It does make her look so grown up, but I want her to stay little. But she is a cute sweet girl and Daddy will love her new hair due. Gran Does.

Gran said...

Sorry about due!!!

Katie said...

You did an awesome job fixing her hack job :). It looks so cute, she looks so grown up... hopefully that doesn't encourage more tears ;). Looks great.

Katie said...

I think I want that cut :).

Anonymous said...

I think it looks cute...almost like my haircut! Now we'll look even more alike! What's wrong with that?!

Tina said...

You've made lemonade from those lemons! Can you cut mine like that?

coriecole said...

it's great!