Tuesday, April 20, 2010

100% random

I just thought these pictures were too cute not to post... they are from a few weeks ago. It was raining and the girls really wanted to go somewhere so they could use their umbrellas. We didn't have anywhere to go... so we went for a walk! It was the cutest thing ever to see!
A few months ago Ireland learned how to play checkers. She was a quick study! She has even been know to see double and triple jumps!
One night she really wanted to play... so Chris, being the great dad that he is, played a game with her. It just melts my heart to see them together. Even though he has been gone for more than 27 months of her life they are closer than ever! It shows that a bond between Daddy and daughter is not easily broken!
Seriously, I tear up when I look at these pictures! So precious!


Gran said...

Just singing in rain, just singing in the rain. Too cute. Ireland looks like she is really into that checker game.

Anonymous said...

Love the umbrellas! Camdyn has been asking for one for a long time. Miss those girls!

maren said...

Super cute! Love the checkers pictures! :o)

Nana said...

I need one of those umbrellas here today. Rainy, rainy, rainy. I may have to download a checkers app on my itouch for when I see you all again.