Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Chloe!!!!!

Chloe is officially 4! Can you believe it? I can't! Yesterday was her birthday and she had a great one! :) Here are a few pictures from her great day!
Maren, Jeff, EmJ, and Luke sent her present a little early and they told her she could open it when it got here. So she really got to start her birthday fun a few days early!
This is a cute picture EmJ drew for her...
They got her a green Nalgene... she was super excited about it!
They also got her a swimming suit she has been coveting for months now from Target! Every time we go to Target she asks to look at the "beautiful ballerina" swimming suit.
Well, she was just a tad excited when she opened her gift and found that swimming suit inside!
She of course put it on immediately and started to pose for a quick photo shoot! :)
The rest of the pictures are from her actually birthday... we opened presents in the morning... Ireland super happy and anxious for Chloe to find out what she was getting... she could hardly wait!
Ireland also got to pick out some gifts all by herself. She picked her out a play camera, swimming suit, and lip bloss (gloss). Chloe LOVES lip bloss so this was a perfect gift for her. Ireland was very proud of herself for finding such a great gift!
And she did a great job being happy for her sister! She didn't get jealous of Chloe's gifts at all! She was just so excited to see her open them all! It was awesome to watch!
Another thing Chloe really wanted was Barbie and the Mermaid Tale... Aunt Sissy, Uncle Matt, Camdyn, and Silas got it for her! She was beyond happy! She literally hasn't put it down since she opened it... she plays with it every minute she is awake... and sleeps with it! :)
They also got her this super cute dress! She put it on as soon as present opening was done! Which was fine with me because I wasn't too excited about her other outfit she had picked out for the day... do you all like the stripes and polka dots? And the awesome color combo? She is one of a kind!
Aunt Sissy is the best aunt because she spoils the girls just right! She also got Ireland a dress so she wouldn't feel left out! How thoughtful! Ireland was so surprised to learn that she got a present too!
This is the swimming suit Ireland picked out for Chloe! Can it be any cuter?!
On their birthdays I always let them pick out what they want to eat for the whole day... breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Nothing fancey, just let them be in charge for one day a year. Well, Chloe had bagels from Panera for breakfast... and the coolest lunch ever!
She asked for Robin (Ramen) noodles and popcorn! So random! I don't let her eat Ramen, but Chris does and she has developed a love for them! I had to laugh when I put her lunch on the table! It was such a "Chloe" lunch!
She enjoyed it very much!
After rest time (she didn't have to take a nap yesterday since it was her birthday... I know... we spoiled her) we went for a hike. Both the girls love going back in the woods even for a quick little walk. The weather was nice for a bit so we took advantage of it!
All in all it was a great day! I asked Chloe if she had a good birthday and she told me, "Yes I did have a good bertday! I love being this old (showing me 4 on her fingers)!!!"
For dinner we went to Red Robins... she wanted them to sinfg to her. After that she got to go to Target and pick some more toys out... Gran and her Aunt Kellie, Uncle Lawrence, and Connor got her "gift tickets" to spend all on her own! She thought that was AWESOME! She didn't have any trouble picking out the things she wanted!
On Friday we will have a little party for her with birthday cake (cupcakes acutally) and some friends... so another blog about that will be soon!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! So glad she had such a great birthday, she deserves it! Totally wish we could have been there, but glad we could be a small part! GLad Ireland loves her dress too! Love those girls!

maren said...

Such a stinkin' cute blog! It's obvious that Chloe had an awesome birthday- and so sweet that Ireland was so happy for her. :o) Gotta love those moments! Can't wait to see you all... THIS MONTH!

the barnes family said...

Um... can I come over for my birthday? Every year I want properly spoiled and for some reason, husbands just don't know how to do that. But you definitely do, so I'm coming in September! P.S. Tell Chloe, ramen noodles and popcorn is an awesome lunch!